Breaking Seams:
a wellness blog by Haley DelPlato

I'm honored that you're interested in diving deeper into Peel & Heal Studio's mission of transparency & wellness! We're hard at work finalizing the touches on this blog. Subscribe to the right and you'll be the first to hear when we launch! Haley's journey from hospital to happiness isn't all that unheard of, and that's exactly why she's dedicated her career & art to sharing it. By unveiling her past & present reality, she hopes to normalize self-care, making these practices accessible to others BEFORE hitting rock bottom. Breaking Seams is an educational & community-building endeavor from the artist behind Peel & Heal Studio: you'll find Haley's articles on wellness products, links to reputable professional guides, self-help book reviews & late-night poetry, health opinion pieces & everyday accounts of a young adult's life with mental & chronic illness, woven through the complex fabrics of modern-day society. Learn from Haley as she grew from size 00 to her limitless persona of today. She broke a lot of seams and tore out some labels to restructure a healthy life & is now ready to share what she learned along the way with you, right here on Breaking Seams.

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